
We are a diverse studio united by a shared vision to create timeless spaces and places for work, life and play that inspire and enrich our communities, cities and environment.

Collaboration and communication with our clients and design partners is key. We unlock the opportunities that exist between client, brief and site to make vibrant, timeless and sustainable places.

Every project is unique. By finding synergies between environment, cities, buildings and people we create inspiring spaces which complement, not compete with, their purpose and place.

Our work is founded on rigorous analysis, creative innovation and attention to detail. Our projects are based on a strategic approach, strong concepts, clear principles and teamwork.


JPW is a leading Australian design practice with major built works in architecture, landscape architecture, planning, urban design, interior design and exhibition.

Based in Sydney we work around Australia and internationally.


JPW deliver exceptional buildings and projects of every scale and type.

We understand the possibilities for synergies between the environment, buildings and people to create inspiring and enduring places.

Through our extensive experience we also understand the key relationships between flexibility, efficiency, cost and vision in the short and long term.

Our projects are successful because they complement, rather than compete with, their purpose and place.

Urban Design

JPW is one of Australia’s city-making design leaders.

Our urban and public realm projects are widely recognised for their generous and sustainable contributions to the vitality, diversity and character of many Australian cities, particularly Sydney, Australia’s global city.

Working in collaboration with t highly skilled professionals from all parts of the globe, we design and create places of all types and sizes. Our intention is always to promote connectedness, wellbeing and resilience – for current and future generations, and for the environment which sustains our communities and cultures.


JPW has worked with some of Australia’s most significant cultural institutions to develop masterplans that are both visionary and able to be delivered.

Our strategic approach to analysis, research and options testing enables us to develop masterplan strategies that can address current and future needs within defined timelines, budgets and priorities, progressively adding capability and capacity to an institution with minimal impact to ongoing operations or previous implementation phases.

We develop masterplans that are focused on adding value, while protecting and enhancing the distinctive and unique values and identity of each organisation or building.

Clients include Parliament House, Canberra; Sydney Opera House; Australian War Memorial; National Archives of Australia; Art Gallery of New South Wales; State Library of New South Wales; Western Australian Museum; South Australian Museum; and the Australian Museum.


JPW landscape architecture creates meaningful connections between people and the environment.

Our landscape expertise is extensive and varied. From small interventions that seamlessly integrate a new building into the public realm, to major new public open spaces and large infrastructure and remediation projects, our skills enable us to maximise outcomes.

Our landscape projects are successful because they deliver healthy, resilient environments where people and nature can flourish.

Working in close collaboration with expert engineers and allied specialists, our sustainable landscape solutions reduce carbon footprints, minimise wind pollution and water wastage.


JPW has an extensive portfolio and specialist expertise in exhibition masterplanning and design. We have collaborated with some of Australia’s leading art galleries and museums to plan, develop, curate and implement exhibitions from intimate, temporary displays to major blockbusters and travelling shows from around the world.


JPW takes a human-centric approach to the design of interior architecture: composing and choreographing space, scale, and light, with material and texture to create interiors that are functional, flexible and efficient as well as tactile, comfortable and delightful.


JPW designed the first 6 Star Green Star rated commercial building in NSW, Workplace 6, in 2005, and our projects continue to showcase innovative, real-world sustainable solutions.

Our commitment to a sustainable future, and our awareness of how design can play a critical role in the wellbeing of future generations, informs every aspect of our design thinking and built outcomes.

Project/design management

When you commission JPW, you are not only commissioning the nominated individuals, but the entire skills, resources and experience of the practice.

Our teams combine design expertise with a broad range of project management skills to consistently deliver exceptional project outcomes.

Our senior, experienced architects guide our teams using best-practice management processes to ensure every project receives a considered, comprehensive and coordinated response to project requirements throughout the entire design and construction cycle.

We aim to exceed our clients’ expectations through efficient project programming, document control and value management.


JPW was an early adopter of Building Information Modelling (BIM), and we have in-house expertise across multiple platforms.

Our BIM projects have been presented at global conferences and have won international awards.

The seamless integration of BIM into our creative process enables us to optimise the benefits BIM can deliver across all project stages and typologies, for clients and collaborating design partners.


Alongside our in-house digital capabilities and expertise, physical modelling remains a valuable complement and resource to deliver excellence and is an essential part of our studio practice.

We use physical modelling across all project stages, from early design to construction, to test options, clarify and articulate design direction, and refine and optimise solutions.

JPW’s in-house modelling expertise includes traditional techniques and the latest laser cutting and 3D printing tools.


The studio is the heart of JPW.

We are 60 diverse architects and design professionals. We are large enough to deliver significant citymaking projects and small enough to hold a distinctive culture which consistently delivers excellence.


The IPCC 6th Assessment Report is a stark call to action. JPW is dedicated to meeting this challenge with innovation, imagination and collaboration.

As a key participant in the planning, designing and making of cities – one of the highest emitters in both construction and operation – JPW’s leadership is vital in advocating for sustainable processes, practices and outcomes.
Our projects shape the well-being and health of the user, the community and the environment. JPW look beyond conventional ratings tools to understand the physical, social and environmental impacts across the whole life cycle – from minimising embodied-carbon in construction, to efficient operations and flexibility for future use.

JPW is an industry leader in sustainable building design. Workplace 6, completed in 2008, was the first 6 Star Green Star commercial building in NSW, one of the first in Australia, and our client’s first to achieve carbon neutral status.
We use leading strategies and innovative technologies to minimise operational energy use and embodied carbon such as all-electric services for the Martin Place Metro North Tower and CLT structure for the Glebe Mid-Rise development.
JPW have re-purposed, renewed and revitalised a series of significant buildings – a highly effective strategy to reduce structural embodied carbon. 33 Alfred Street is one of the first major renewals of Australia’s earliest skyscrapers; and 50 Martin Place, 5 Martin Place and the White Bay Cruise Terminal all won industry sustainability awards.
JPW is a signatory to Architects Declare, uses 100% green electricity and is certified carbon-neutral from 2022.

Social Policies

Our actions have impacts beyond the boundaries of our projects and we are committed to reconciliation, equality, inclusion and justice.


JPW are passionate about increasing the participation of indigenous people and voices in the design process, within the architectural profession and across the design and construction industry.

In 2022, JPW’s Reflect Reconciliation Plan was endorsed by Reconciliation Australia.

We are active sponsors of Career Trackers, supporting indigenous students through their architectural studies to increase the involvement of indigenous architects in the profession generally, and potentially through future employment with JPW.

Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity, inclusiveness and balance in our studio is a foundation of our success – while contributing to addressing societal gaps, a vibrant multi-cultural studio with diverse perspectives fosters creative thinking and better solutions. We are committed to a 40/20/40 gender ratio and our policies for flexible working and parental leave support a balanced workplace. We participate in industry initiatives such as Parlour, NAWIC, and Architects with Pride.

Modern Slavery

JPW is opposed to slavery in all its forms. We are committed to protecting against modern slavery in our business, our supply chains and our projects. We achieve this through ethical behaviours, integrity and transparency, and by assessing and addressing the risk of modern slavery within our operations, supply chains and projects.


JPW was founded by Jeff Walker, Adrian Pilton and Richard Johnson in 2000. Over twenty years of practice, JPW has made a diverse and lasting contribution to the built environment and design culture in Sydney, across Australia and internationally.


Over the past decade our projects have won more than 100 national and international design awards.

Our commitment to design excellence has been recognised by our professional peers, allied disciplines and the property development and construction sectors with a range of awards and accolades for our projects.


Excellence in Commercial Development – NSW UDIA Awards – Winner, 6&8 Parramatta Square

Excellence in Sustainability – NSW UDIA Awards – Commendation, 6&8 Parramatta Square

Urban Taskforce Excellence Award for Commercial Development, 6&8 Parramatta Square

Best Tall Building Oceania 2023 CTBUH – Award of Excellence, A By Adina

Urban Taskforce Excellence Award for Hospitality / Tourism Development, A By Adina


Winner – Overall Excellence Award – American Concrete Institute Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards, Chau Chak Wing Museum

Special Mention – Outstanding Concrete Structures – Fédération Internationale du Béton Awards, Chau Chak Wing Museum

NSW Development of the Year – Property Council of Australia Innovation & Excellence Awards, 3 Parramatta Square


Winner – Kevin Cavanagh Trophy – National Award for Excellence in Concrete, Concrete Institute of Australia, Chau Chak Wing Museum, with FDC Constructions, Northrop and Mahaffey Associates

Winner – National Awards for Excellence in Concrete – Commercial Buildings, Chau Chak Wing Museum, with FDC Constructions, Northrop and Mahaffey Associates

Winner – State Awards for Excellence in Concrete (NSW) – Commercial Buildings, Chau Chak Wing Museum, with FDC Constructions, Northrop and Mahaffey Associates

Finalist – World Architecture Festival (WAF) – Culture: Completed Buildings, Chau Chak Wing Museum


Winner, International Architecture Award 2020 – The Chicago Athenaeum/The European Center for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies, Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

Winner, Sir Zelman Cowen National Award For Public Architecture – National Architecture Awards, Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

Winner, Sulman Medal for Public Architecture – NSW Architecture Awards, Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

Winner, Award for Urban Design – NSW Architecture Awards, Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

High Commended – National Trust NSW Awards, Hyde Park Barracks Lift


Winner, Integrated Stormwater Design Category – Stormwater NSW 2019 Awards for Excellence, Victoria Park Improvement Project

Highly Commended – World Architecture Festival 2019, Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

Winner, International Category – AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards, Swan Lake Park

Winner, Commercial Buildings Award for Excellence – Concrete Institute of Australia Excellence in Concrete Awards (National), Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

Winner, Kevin Cavanagh Trophy – Concrete Institute of Australia Excellence in Concrete Awards, Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

Winner, Commercial Buildings Award for Excellence – Concrete Institute of Australia Excellence in Concrete Awards (NSW), Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

Winner, National Trust Award for Continuing Tradition – National Trust Heritage Awards, Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

Winner, National Trust Award Judges’ Choice – National Trust Heritage Awards, Anzac Memorial Centenary Project

Winner, Medium Projects Award to TTW – ASCE Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards, Anzac Memorial Centenary Project


Commendation, City of Sydney Lord Mayor’s Award, 2018 NSW Architecture Awards, “Reflection” Memorial Martin Place

Winner, Good Design Australia Award – Design Institute of Australia DIA, “Reflection” Memorial Martin Place


Winner, NSW Development of the Year – Property Council of Australia / Rider Levett Bucknall (RLB) Development of the Year Awards, 5 Martin Place


Winner, Commercial Architecture Award – AIA National Architecture Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, Heritage Award – AIA National Architecture Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, Award for Parks and Open Spaces – AILA National Landscape Architecture Awards, Barangaroo Reserve

Winner, Buildings and Structures Award – Australian Engineering Excellence Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, President’s Award – Australian Engineering Excellence Awards, Barangaroo Reserve

Winner, Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) Presidents Award, 5 Martin Place

Winner, Excellence in Commercial Development – NSW UDIA Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, Steel Excellence in Buildings – Large Projects Australian Steel Institute Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, Urban Renewal Development – Urban Taskforce Development Excellence Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, The Lloyd Rees Award for Urban Design – 2016 NSW Architecture Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, Commercial Architecture Award – NSW Architecture Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, Greenway Award for Heritage Architecture – NSW Architecture Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, Award for Parks and Open Space, NSW AILA Awards, Barangaroo Reserve

Commendation, Public Architecture – NSW Architecture Awards, Overseas Passenger Terminal Upgrade

Winner, National Trust Award for Adaptive Reuse – National Trust Heritage Awards, 5 Martin Place

Winner, International Chapter Award for Commercial Architecture – AIA International Architecture Awards, China Mobile

Winner, Development of the Year – Property Council of Australia / Rider Levett Bucknall Innovation & Excellence Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, SAS International Award for Best Office Development – Property Council of Australia / Rider Levett Bucknall Innovation & Excellence Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, JLL Award for Best Sustainable Development, Existing Buildings – Property Council of Australia / Rider Levett Bucknall Innovation & Excellence Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, Unusual Projects – Association of Consulting Structural Engineers NSW Awards, 50 Martin Place


Winner, Harry Seidler Award for Commercial Architecture, AIA National Architecture Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, Sir Arthur G Stephenson Award for Commercial Architecture – NSW Architecture Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, COLORBOND Award for Steel Architecture – NSW Architecture Awards, 50 Martin Place

Commendation, Sustainable Architecture Award – NSW Architecture Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, National Trust Award for Adaptive Reuse – National Trust Heritage Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, Outstanding Construction Award – Master Builders Association of NSW Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, Best Use of Glass Award – Master Builders Association of NSW Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, Restoration of a Historic Building Award – Master Builders Association of NSW Awards, 50 Martin Place

Winner, WAN Waterfront Award, Barangaroo Headland Park

Winner, President’s Award – ALIA NSW Awards, Barangaroo Headland Park

Winner, High Density Development – Urban Development Institute of Australia Meriton NSW & ACT Awards for Excellence, Park Lane and The Mark


Winner, Harry Seidler Award for Commercial Architecture – AIA National Architecture Awards, White Bay Cruise Terminal

Winner, COLORBOND Award for Steel Architecture – AIA National Architecture Awards, White Bay Cruise Terminal

Winner, 2014 International Architecture Award, Chicago Athenaeum & European Centre for Architecture, White Bay Cruise Terminal

Winner, Public Architecture – NSW Architecture Awards, White Bay Cruise Terminal

Winner, Sustainable Architecture – NSW Architecture Awards, White Bay Cruise Terminal

Winner, COLORBOND Award for Steel Architecture – NSW Architecture Awards, White Bay Cruise Terminal

Winner, Small Projects – ACT Architecture Awards, National Workers Memorial

Winner, Best Civic Project 2014 – Australian Stone Architectural Awards, National Workers Memorial

Winner, 2014 Premier Award Winner – Australian Stone Architectural Awards, National Workers Memorial


Winner, Transport Category – World Architecture Festival Awards, White Bay Cruise Terminal

Highly Commended, Transport Category – World Architecture Festival Inside Awards, White Bay Cruise Terminal

Winner, Bridges Category – CCAA Public Domain Awards, Kings Avenue Overpass

Robert Woodward Award for Small Project Architecture, Art Gallery of NSW Forecourt Upgrade


Property Council New Zealand, Best Commercial Building, Britomart East Building

IES (Australia & New Zealand), Lighting Design Award, Excellence Award, AWM Hall of Valour

2012 AILA NSW Awards, RMS NSW Award for Excellence in Landscape Architecture on Road Infrastructure Projects, Kings Avenue Overpass in the ACT


AIA National Architecture Awards, Sir Zelman Cowan Award for Public Architecture – Australian War Memorial Eastern Precinct

AIA National Award for Urban Design- Australian War Memorial Eastern Precinct

AIA National Commendation – Suzhou Industrial Park Logistics Centre

Engineers of Australia (Canberra Div) ,Engineering Excellence Award, Kings Avenue Overpass, ACT.

MAGNA Museums Australia Award, Temporary Exhibition, AGNSW First Emperor.

MAGNA Museums Australia Award, Sustainability, AWM Eastern Precinct.

IES (NSW) Lighting Design Award, Excellence Award, AWM Hall of Valour.

IES (NSW) Lighting Design Award, Commendation, AGNSW First Emperor Exhibition.

CCAA Public Domain Awards ACT State Winner – AWM Eastern Precinct

CCAA Public Domain Awards Precincts National Commendation – AWM Eastern Precinct

Property Council of Australia Innovation and Excellence Awards – Best Public Building National Portrait Gallery

AIA ACT Chapter Canberra Medallion – AWM Eastern Precinct

AIA ACT Chapter Romaldo Giurgola Award for Public Architecture – AWM Eastern Precinct

AIA ACT Chapter Sir John Overall Award for Urban Design – AWM Eastern Precinct

AIA ACT Chapter W Hayward Morris Award for Interior Architecture – Hall of Valour

AIA ACT Chapter inlite Light in Architecture Prize – AWM Eastern Precinct


Property Council of Australia – ACT Rider Levett Bucknall Property Development of the Year Award – National Portrait Gallery

Property Council of Australia – 2010 Innovation Awards – Thinc Award for Sustainable Projects – Workplace6 designed by JPW

NSW Architecture Awards – Architecture Award for Commercial Architecture to JPW in collaboration with Allmann Sattler Wappner – Audi Lighthouse

NSW Architecture Awards – Commendation for Interior Architecture to JPW in collaboration with Allmann Sattler Wappner – Audi Lighthouse

Federation Internationale du Beton – International Federation for Structural Concrete, Winning Structure (Buildings Category) – National Portrait Gallery

IES Lighting Design Award of Excellence – National Portrait Gallery, jointly awarded to Steensen Varming and JPW

International Lighting Design Awards, Award of Merit – National Portrait Gallery, jointly awarded to Steensen Varming and JPW


AIA National Architecture Awards, Sir Zelman Cowen Award for Best
Public Building – National Portrait Gallery

AIA National Architecture Award for Interior Architecture – National Portrait Gallery

idea 09 Interior Design Excellence Awards – National Winner, Institutional Design – National Portrait Gallery

Masterbuilders Australia, National Excellence Awards, National Public Buildings Award – Over $50m Category, Winner – National Portrait Gallery

Engineering Excellence Awards, Highly Commended – Buildings & Structures-National Portrait Gallery

National Timber Design Awards, Winner – Best Use of Timber Flooring – National Portrait Gallery

National Timber Design Awards, Winner – Best Use of Engineered Timber – National Portrait Gallery

Concrete Institute of Australia, Kevin Cavanagh Medal for excellence in concrete, National Portrait Gallery

Concrete Institute of Australia, Building Project Winner, National Portrait Gallery

CCAA National Public Domain Award (Walls), National Portrait Gallery

CCAA Best of State ACT, Public Domain Awards, National Portrait Gallery

API NSW Excellence in Property Awards Commendation, Workplace 6, Darling Island

AIA ACT Chapter, Canberra Medallion – National Portrait Gallery

AIA ACT Chapter, Romaldo Giurgola Award for Public Architecture – National Portrait Gallery

AIA ACT Chapter, Light in Architecture Prize – National Portrait Gallery

Master Builders Australia, ACT Project of the Year Award to John Holland – National Portrait Gallery

Master Builders Australia, ACT Winner Commercial Building over $12 M to John Holland – National Portrait Gallery

DIA Interior Design Awards, Best of State for Commercial Design, ACT – National Portrait Gallery

DIA Interior Design Awards, High Commendation for Public Design – National Portrait Gallery

DIA Interior Design Awards, High Commendation for Installation Design – Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery Masterplan Exhibition (in collaboration with Terroir)


DIA Interior Design Awards, Commendation for Public Interior Design – Arts of Islam Exhibition, AGNSW

RAIA Gold Medal awarded to Richard Johnson


AILA NSW, Commendation for Research and Communications in Landscape Architecture – RTA Noise Wall Design Guidelines

API (NSW) Property Development Award- Westpac Place (in collaboration with Leighton Properties)

RAIA NSW Chapter, Lloyd Rees Award for Urban Design – Westpac Place

RAIA NSW Chapter, Commendation for Commercial Architecture – Westpac Place

DIA Interior Design Awards, Commendation Public & Institutional Interior Design – Abbotsleigh Research Centre


Australian Stone Architectural Award (Best Commercial Exterior) – Sydney Hilton

RAIA National Commercial Award – Sydney Hilton

RAIA NSW Chapter, Architecture Award for Commercial Building – Sydney Hilton

RAIA NSW Chapter, Architecture Award for Civic Design – Sydney Hilton

Sustainable Energy Authority (SEDA) Energy Efficiency Award – Sydney Hilton

Australian Timber Design Award, High Commendation (Public & Commercial Timber Frame) – Abbotsleigh Research Centre

NSW Urban Taskforce Development Excellence, Overall Winner – Westpac Place (in collaboration with Leighton Properties)

NSW Urban Taskforce Development Excellence, Commercial Development – Westpac Place (in collaboration with Leighton Properties)

Master Builders Australia, National Award for Commercial Building over $100 M – Westpac Place (in collaboration with Leighton Contractors)

DIA Interior Design Awards, Corporate Design Award – JPW Office, Sydney

DIA Interior Design Awards, Best of State NSW for Commercial Interior Design – JPW Office, Sydney

China Architectural Project Luban Award – Suzhou Logistics Centre, China


First Prize, International Design Competition – National Portrait Gallery, Canberra

First Prize, International Design Competition – UNSW Asia Science and Engineering Building, Singapore

Joint Winner – Western Sydney Parkland Ideas Competition

Australian Timber Design Award for Best Use of Timber Flooring – JPW Office, Sydney

First Prize, International Design Competition – Chinese Taxation Bureau, Suzhou

First Prize, Design Competition – Laguna Quays, Queensland

First Prize, Design Competition – CTS Tower, Shenzen China


RAIA National Commendation, Sir Zelman Cowan Award for Public Buildings – AGNSW New Asian Galleries

RAIA NSW Chapter, Architecture Award for Public and Commercial Buildings – AGNSW New Asian Galleries


Lightweight Structures Association of Australia, Award of Excellence (Large Structures) – Glass Entry Box, 363 George Street, Sydney (in collaboration with Connell Mott MacDonald)

First Prize, International Competition – Qing Dao Commercial Development, China


First Prize, International Competition, PRC – Suchun Boulevard, Suzhou, China

First Prize, Design Excellence Competition – KENS Site, Sydney

First Prize, Design Excellence Competition – Hilton Hotel, Sydney

First Prize, Design Competition – Darling Island Development, Sydney

Institution of Engineers Australian, Engineering Award – Anzac Parade Lighting, Canberra (in association with Barry Webb)


Internationale Marmi E Macchine Marble Architectural Award – 363 George Street, Sydney

RAIA National Commercial Award – 363 George Street, Sydney

RAIA NSW Chapter, Architecture Award for Commercial Building – 363 George Street, Sydney

JPW acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of Country and honours their continuing connection to lands, waters, skies, and communities.

We offer our respect to Elders past and those present – as the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work.